Gentlemen, Start your engines

Greetings and welcome. While the exact shape and flavor of the blog portion of this site is still a bit *cough*  vague, the time has come to launch.

I would imagine the best place to start is to state the driving purpose of why I built this site in the first place. In my experience as a web developer and Internet professional, it has not been often that I have actually taken the time to build a site for myself. I have done it once or twice as professional need has called. However, not as an act of purely creative passion.

While HTML5 and databases are… fascinating, they simply do not spark the emotional interest and motivate me to action the way that photography does.  This portfolio will shift and change as my career develops and I continue to learn and grow.  I expect this blog will be more on the lighter side, a bit conversational and likely not to contain any advice or “tips and tricks”. I might diverge into a gear-based post every now and again, but more likely will simply update this area with ideas, industry commentary and  my projects.


