Ecommerce & Digital Marketing

I started-out as a web designer & developer in 1994.

For the past 8 years I have worked in the photo-specialty industry managing e-commerce and digital marketing strategy and content for several established global brands. Starting with Daymen US Inc. and more recently Vitec Imaging Solutions, I was responsible for direct to consumer sales in the US for: Lowepro, JOBY, Manfrotto, GITZO, Lastolite, Avenger as well as third party distributed brands.

Lowepro_logo_2013  joby-headerlogo_2x

I joined Daymen Photo Marketing in 2011, embarking on a long-term web development campaign with a heavy emphasis on strengthening brand identity, global eCommerce and product marketing. In the past two years I have designed and managed the customer facing assets of and, Implementing a full replacement of numerous aged eCommerce platforms; combining them into a single Magento Enterprise solution.  Of course this means Enterprise level integration to ERP systems; Dynamics GP and then few flavors of Sage. I am currently focused on architecture and development for localized eCommerce storefronts for various regions world-wide.

In 2017 Lowepro and JOBY brands were Aquired by Vitec Group in their Imaging Solutions division. When joined with Manfrotto, GITZO and other Vitec family brands became the market leader in photo accessories.

For a flashback to some ancient history, here is a recap of some prior work.

photo: Frank Filice