Seeds of Gold

A very good friend of mine just finished a 4 year long documentary project and asked if I would shoot the premier. Her project, the traditions and story Mhuysqa people of Colombia and the community of the North Bay of California all come together on this magical evening. Seeds of […]

A First Time for Everything

Each time I have a first in photography it both inspires and humbles me. This time, the first was shared with me and my client. Her first pregnancy and my first maternity shoot.  I approached working with my first maternity shoot with a large amount of planning, empathy and a […]

The Thinking Spot

Gray Whales on the California Coast – This is a short I made a few years back for my Dad. Feels right to post it here. Music: No Definite Future – The Mermen

Gentlemen, Start your engines

Greetings and welcome. While the exact shape and flavor of the blog portion of this site is still a bit *cough*  vague, the time has come to launch. I would imagine the best place to start is to state the driving purpose of why I built this site in the […]